
The University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne is a multidisciplinary training and research university positioned and recognised nationally and internationally in the bioeconomy field. This academic identity at the heart of an interdisciplinary approach is based on 4 strategic excellence clusters and the specifics of its ecosystem: a multidisciplinary cluster with an international dimension focused on agriscience, the environment, biotechnology and the bioeconomy (AEBB) taking into account, in a region with a strong agricultural and wine-growing economy, the sustainable production of the biomass, its transformation by green chemistry and biotechnologies, the ecological transition and climate change; a healthcare cluster, championing scientific niches of excellence and rich and varied medical and paramedical training; a digital and engineering sciences cluster (DES) focused on high-performance computing, industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, materials and technological change; a humanities and social sciences cluster (HSS) united around transformation, transition and mutation. Rooted in its region (5 university towns - 13 campuses) but with an international outlook, URCA contributes to the dynamism, attractiveness, international competitiveness and the development of higher education and research at a national and European level.
Campus France Campus France
Campus France is a public establishment in charge of promoting French higher education abroad and welcoming foreign students and researchers to France. It encourages international mobility, manages scholarship programs and coordinates the alumni network.
Institut Français Prague Institut Français Prague
Initially conceived as a veritable university, the Institut français de Prague has become a multi-disciplinary cultural hub: a lively, multi-faceted place that is both a language teaching center and an arts venue, a cultural partner and a platform for artistic exchange... Its ambition: to showcase the most contemporary French culture, to welcome the most singular projects, to act as a conduit for bold, innovative works, to encourage unprecedented artistic encounters between Czech and French artists, to question the ever-fertile relationship between two countries with strong artistic traditions.
SCF Réseau Jeunes Chimistes en Champagne Ardenne SCF Réseau Jeunes Chimistes en Champagne Ardenne
Réseaux Jeunes en Région increases SCF's dynamism among young students and PhD students.
UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
The UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles is a public institution of higher education belonging to the URCA. It was founded in 1963. Our campus is home to 500 lecturers (professors and assistant professors, teachers, researchers and non-teaching staff in higher education, and almost 3,000 students. The UFR is home to twelve research laboratories in all scientific fields, accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. Seven of our laboratories are also associated with national research organizations (4 CNRS, 1 INRA, 1 INERIS, 1 INSERM). Our highly multidisciplinary UFR covers a wide range of scientific disciplines: mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences and civil engineering. The UFR management is determined to strengthen and enhance its teaching and research. A range of courses are offered, from bachelor's degrees to PhDs.
Created in 1857 to represent the chemists of France, the SCF is constantly evolving to ensure that our organization supports the needs of the chemical community and keeps pace with a changing world. The Société Chimique de France is an association recognized as being of public utility, whose vocation is to structure, animate and embody the network bringing together all individuals and legal entities concerned by the chemical sciences and their developments, along 3 lines. supporting and promoting chemistry in all its scientific, academic, application, educational and societal aspects; to inform all interested parties, to deepen and disseminate their reflections and proposals in terms of teaching, research and industrial, economic, societal and professional foresight; to represent the people concerned and their disciplines at all levels of society, academia, industry and government. The network of chemists formed by the SCF is structured around Entities (divisions, groups and sections) representing as many poles of interest and activity. Each Entity brings together SCF members according to a scientific, geographical or generational scope.
The mission of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is to leverage all fields of sciences to tackle current global challenges. The CNRS has over 80 years experience of basic research, exploring living creatures, space, materials and human societies and can leverage all fields of science to understand current global challenges in all their complexity, in conjunction with organisations in the field. The CNRS encourages and supports the application of research results to transform them into concrete and long-lasting social and technological innovations that benefit both companies and society. The CNRS is a strong advocate of a knowledge-focused society, and an open science that is deeply rooted in its era. It promotes the wide circulation of knowledge and scientific culture, and supports decision makers to develop public policy.
The research work done at the Institute of Molecular Chemistry encompasses various basic aspects of molecular chemistry: synthetic methodology, reactivity and molecular engineering, green chemistry, advanced analytical methods, with many projects interfacing with fine chemistry, biomass valorization, life sciences (biomolecules, pharmaceutical chemistry, cosmetics), environnemental sciences (diagnosis, prevention, remediation), materials science (elaboration, structural and functional properties). About 90 people are currently working in the Institute, academics, CNRS staff, engineers, technical and administrative staffs and graduate students and post-doctorants.
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